
Silver Lion Award for fb.se

Happy news arrived this morning!
The site for Forsman & Bodenfors (www.fb.se) was awarded a Silver Lion in the Cannes Lions Festival.
Congratulations to all winners!


Cannes Lions

Our production for Forsman & Bodenfors (www.fb.se) made it to the Cyber Shortlist in Cannes Lions this week. Now we are crossing our fingers for it to make it one step further.

Check it out: http://www.fb.se
Cannes Lions Cyber Shortlist: http://work.canneslions.com/cyber/


Fifth & Seventh place in this months Resume

This months Resume contest for web gave us a 5th place for Grin Widget "Skynet Take Over" Widget and a 7th place for Ving "Mallorca" website.
We are of course very happy about that =)

The Grin widget was made together with Åkestam Holst
See it here.

Ving Mallorca website was made together with F&B
See the website here.


Bronze awarded in One Show

Last weekend the One Show Interactive awards ceremony took place. Forsman & Bodenfors website was awarded a bronze pen. We are very happy to see our work being recognized and we also want to congratulate F&B that took three more bronze awards for AMF "MMS", Wasabröd "Sandwich" and IKEA "Come into the closet. Let's dance".

Check out the F&B website here »



This year we have two nominations in One Show.
One is for the F&B website(www.fb.se) and the other one is a small app we made for Euro 2008 fotball championship. The application showed results and videos in realtime.
If you ran it at work and someone was coming you had a shortcut to transform the application to an excel spreadsheet so no one would know you were doing non work related activities =)


Golden egg awards is over for this year

I bet there are lots of people in the media business in sweden that have headaches this morning. The party last night was going on until early this morning =)

We got a diploma for our nominated production "Sveriges skönaste dialekt" and partly also a silver egg. The campaign "Born to be cheap" for Tele2 got a silver and we helped out creating all online campaign banners... approx. one thousand of those were made.

Congratulations to all winners, it was really fun to watch on livestream (bambuser)


Nominated in Guldägget

Today we found out that one of our website productions is nominated in the swedish commercial contest Guldägget (Golden Egg). The production was made last year for Swedish Radio called "Sveriges skönaste dialekt". You can read more about Guldägget here and read some more about the website here.


New site for Forsman & Bodenfors!

Forsman & Bodenfors new website is released.
The site is built with the intention to give the visitors quick and easy access to the whole F&B portfolio. To get easy access, the whole site is built around a visual search engine that gives instant feedback (autocomplete with images) when searching. Enjoy watching F&B's work in the gallery with easy navigation with arrow keys or navigate traditionally with your mouse. There is also lots of amusing facts and statistics about the site, most frequent searched words, who is the most contacted person etc.

Visit the site here: www.fb.se


Some releases

Wrapping up the last quarter of 2008, we really worked our butts of on a vast variety of web sites, design concepts and a truckload of banners. The bulk of the projects where in cooperation with a few of our business partners, but we also had a couple of outsiders and even a request from the local municipal office.

For starters, we produced the official site for renowned Swedish actor Stefan Sauk. The site is a presentation of the actor and his work and contains movie clips, a picture gallery, biography, interviews and more.
Visit the site here: www.sauk.se.

Lundin Fastighetsbyrå is a real estate agency based in Gothenburg. They wanted to renew their old site and we where happy to oblige.
The result can be viewed here: www.lundin.se.

Libero is one of the leading Swedish producers of diapers and other baby products such as baby oil, wet wipes etc. Along with one of our business partners, we produced a micro-site in flash for their latest product campaign.
View it here: www.libero.se.

One of our business partners (our next door neighbour actually) came to us with a request to produce web sites for a few of their customers (all local companies). They provided the design and we nailed down the construction and back end programming.
Check them out here: www.valutec.se, www.volantic.se, www.simmine.com, www.optronic.se.

Skellefteå Kommun (the local municipal office) web where in desperate need for a overhaulin', and we provided them with the design and layout for the new and improved site. Here you can check out some of the sketches:

Part of our daily routines consists of banner productions for one of our business partners. In November 2008 we set what propably is a world record for banners when the swedish tele-communication company Tele2 launched a massive campaign spanning all medias. Around 750 banners where produced during a 10 day span and the hosting bureau had never seen anything like it.

Oh, by the way ... we produced yet another banner campaign with additional landing sites for IKEA just in time for the christmas break.

All in all we just had a great 2008 and are already way deep in new exciting projects that will launch shortly.