
Firefox & wmode=transparent bug

I think it was around 2005 we saw this the first time but it seems this odd behaviour is still out there. If you're running Firefox on Windows with a flash embedded with wmode="transparent" any input text fields may not work as expected with all keyboard layouts. Eg. if we want to write "@" with our swedish keyboard we only get a "2". Lots of other characters also seems to not be working correctly. Really weird but lots of people have been blogging about it so it looks like it's a well known bug.

1 comment:

sharkattak said...

I was having a similar problem. Pull-down menus were displaying as transparent so text underneath the pull-down list showed through list making list unreadable. A workaround: right click on tab in which you're working, select "switch rendering engine". This apparently switches to IE rendering and lists become opaque like they should be.

Also, if you right click little Firefox icon in very upper-left-most corner, there is a selection for transparency.